Monday, May 17, 2010

Born With It!

Baby #2 was "born with it."  It wasn't Maybelline!  Gorgeous lashes galore, she puts Mr. Snuffleupagus' to shame!  She is getting so big and silly.  She is a definite cuddler and loves to shower momma with kisses.  Her beautiful dimply smile makes my day.

She and Toddler #1 are growing to love each other.  (What with the flying remotes and water bottles when Toddler #2 was first born, I wasn't really sure if the day they got along will finally come!)  Sometimes, I look at them and wonder if they're going to be BFFs.  Are they gonna be each other's Maid of Honor?  Are they gonna conspire against Mommy and Daddy?  Hmmm....

Sunday, May 9, 2010

The Cure

     This is the fourth year that my husband and I participated in the Revlon Run/Walk for Women.  We started in 2005 when we were dating and missed in 2008 (had a 1-week young baby) and 2009 (was expecting our second baby in a week!).  Yesterday, with two toddlers in tow, we tackled the 5K.  I had forgotten how emotional of a walk it was.  Within minutes of getting there, I was fighting tears as I read the tribute signs on the walkers' shirts.  Cancer claimed two of my aunts -- stealing from my mom the opportunity to grow old with her sisters and from my cousins' kids the chance to meet their grandmas.  I hate the "C" word and if by taking a morning to walk among strangers with the same purpose we can find a cure, then we'll keep walking and walking and walking.

     Here are a few pics.


     In the photo that follows, the woman on the right is probably a lot younger than me and had little toddlers, too.  She was walking in memory of her mother.   

     This tribute hit so close to home because "Sandra" was born the same year as I.

     For some much needed comic relief...

     Aahhh...the finish line!

     On a much lighter note, my babies are blessed with two sets of grandparents who are healthy and well.  We enjoyed their company today -- Mother's Day!  So much of who I am is because of how my mother (Nanay) cared for and loved me.  So much of who my husband is is because of how strong his mother was (and is) for him.  I feel so blessed that I am a mother to two wonderful girls who tire me endlessly but love me just as much.  It is a privilege to be their "momma" and I can't put into words how much I treasure and adore them.

     I walked and will continue to walk for these two little ladies and a world with no cancer.

     I hope you had a lovely Mother's Day!

Friday, March 26, 2010


The L.A. Zoo was a blast earlier this week!  Baby #1 is already 22 months young and has developed into a curious little lady!  She loves animals so the zoo was the perfect place to spend a perfect afternoon.  Did I mention we had perfect weather, too?  Baby #2 is now 10 months young and has started copying her big sister.  I wouldn't be surprised if she started walking independently in a few days.  She was so awesomely enthralled by the mommy and baby gorillas.

Here are a couple of pics (taken by daddy!) of our little trip.

Now, I'd like to think that I am a better photographer than the following pic would lead you to believe.  I just had to put this in here because this IS the essence of my babies.  Most of the times, they are just balls of blur to me.  They are so quick you think I give them a big mug of Joe for breakfast!

On the way home, we fortuitously stumbled upon a little train that goes around a portion of Griffith Park.  Baby #1 recently became obsessed with Thomas the Train Engine so we just had to stop and take a ride. Her face on the next picture says it all.

I can't wait for another day-off to spend with the loves of my life even when it's just to monkey around! 

Friday, January 29, 2010

Sigh of Relief

Yesterday, I received the best news!  June 17th will be my last fieldwork day for student teaching.  Don't get me wrong, I love student teaching and am learning so much.  It's just that I thought I would have to search for another placement to finish out the summer semester.  If you're from California, you know our education budget is so tight that summer school is no longer being offered (at least not in my local district).  So, June 17th it is!  Yay, me!  There is light at the end of the proverbial tunnel and I'm seeing the faint glimmer.  :0)

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


I stopped making New Year's resolutions a looooong time ago. They never really worked for me.  Somehow, this past December 31st, it became necessary for me to drive almost 30 miles to attend a family function. This does not present a problem to regular folks. However, I am slightly irregular. Let me explain.  I learned to drive at a late age. By late I mean, get the normal age when kids are first allowed to get a probationary license in California and almost double that. I've driven on the freeway less than the number of my fingers and toes combined and mostly to go to  my doctor's appointments when I was pregnant (somehow having a baby in my tummy made me brave... weird!). Anyway, as I approached the freeway entrance on New Year's eve, I decided that for 2010 I shall fear nothing. And then, I tacked on that I'll lose the baby weight (actually make that babies). So, I am happy to report that I have been jumping on and off the freeways for the past few days. As for the weight thing, I am yet to work on that. Having received a package of delectable delicacies from the Philippines yesterday (thanks Ates and Kuya!), I think I may be facing an uphill battle and, as treadmills will attest, I really don't like inclines.